The vacuum—friend or foe? groom the cat. This is amazing to watch, but if your cat will tolerate it, wonderful, for it is a tidy way to groom loose and dead hair o...
Making eye contact, George Burns style human — not an intense stare (which intimidates cats) but unbroken eye contact involving a slow blink (think of comedian George Burns). The...
Cat alarms? burning house with no thought for us. We tend to assume that the only threat to a burglar would be that he might trip over the cat in the d...
Kitty falsetto We do it without thinking: call out “Here, kitty” in a high-pitched voice. Both men and women will, for reasons we never analyze, pitch our ...
The bag drag If your cat really trusts you, you can do things with him no stranger would be allowed to do. One pas time that a few coddled cats will endu...
Feline melomanes Do cats love music? Some owners claim their pets seem happy curled up next to a speaker—assuming the speaker is emitting something pleasant ...
No heaving in the car Most dogs love to ride in cars and are fascinated to pass by things they haven’t seen before. The bad news is that many dogs get carsick and...
Cats in cars? If you’ve ever emerged from your car with several nasty scratch wounds, you probably learned (the hard way) that cats don’t like to travel i...
Making the squirrels chatter Squirrels are rodents. They hate and fear cats, and with good reason, because cats can climb trees. If you have squirrels on your property, ...
The dry-cleaning alternative Pet stores also have dry shampoos that function the same way. Some owners give bran baths, using bran sold for either humans or horses. T...
The dreaded Bathing cleanliness fanatics. But accidents happen: they get splashed with mud or motor oil, fall into a puddle—in short, they need cleaning that t...
Water—yuck! water for drinking, but house cats are notoriously averse to getting in water. In spite of that, they can swim, though they make for shore...
The neck snap neck , trying to sever the spinal cord. Alas, predator sometimes becomes the prey, and a cat who finds himself in the grip of a large and a...
First blood dog might be attacking—or might be licking a sleeping cat in a perfectly friendly way. Either way, the cat’s space has been invaded and he ...
The occasional kitten eater Having just said that cats and dogs can get along, a word of warning: some dogs have a strange—and dangerous—reaction to very young kittens....
Must cats and dogs fight? kitten and a puppy who are raised together. An adult dog and an adult cat may require a period of adjustment, but they will learn to be f...
Blessed are the peacemakers How do you make two cats get along? That is a logical question if you have a cat and are bringing in a new one, but it also happens that, fo...
The significance of “belly up” basking in the sun may lie on his back at times, but in interactions with humans or other animals, “belly up” is bad news. It means the cat...
Read the eyes eyes are a good signal. When a cat is frightened, the pupils of his eyes dilate. (And if you’re familiar with cats, you know those pupils c...
Hiss vs. growl Neither is exactly a sign of pleasure, but hisses and growls don’t communicate quite the same thing. Basically, a hiss is a sign of fear. So...