Pedigreed puberty neutered , for reasons discussed elsewhere in this blog. The usual rule is to have the cat neutered before the cat reaches sexual maturity...
Polishing the cat silk or chamois—the cat show equivalent of a “wax job.” Owners who fuss over their pets sometimes use this technique at home, too.
“Rusting” of black cats black car, you know it isn’t going to stay very sleek if you leave it outside where it will experience all kinds of weather. In effect the ...
Contests for darn near everything ... cat shows, the cages in which the cats are displayed are a standard size (24 × 27 × 27 inches). While there is much fuss about grooming the...
The point system eyes and coat, among others. Each breed’s list of standards and points adds up to one hundred, of course. Happily for the cats, they are no...
“Vetting in” All the people connected to cat shows are, of course, fanatical about the health of the cats, given that so many cats in close quarters coul...
No outcasts here! There was a time when cat show competitions were for purebred cats only, and the many happy owners of mixed-breed cats could not enter their...
The show season winter , and this is also true for cat shows, which mostly take place between September and February. There are several reasons for this s...
The cleanliness obsession at cat shows disease . This concern is felt by everyone associated with cat shows, which is why the judges and other folks associated with them are as...
No performance at cat shows You may have attended dog shows or horse shows, and if you have, you know right away that cat shows are different, for the cats are not expe...
Not “a guy thing” Yes, there are lots of men who love cats (the author is one), but the old stereotypes and prejudices—dogs are the proper pets for “real men,...
Why so many? Christian denominations instead of just one. Simply put: members can’t agree on everything. The different cat associations mostly disagre...
The oldest U.S. cat club American Cat Association (ACA), formed in 1904 as the offspring of a cat club in Chicago. Typical of any human organization, disputes aro...
Alphabet soup time Most cat owners have no interest in entering their pets in cat shows, but for those who do, seven different organizations in the United Stat...
Harrison Weir’s legacy English artist and, as it happened, also a lover of cats. He is credited with organizing an 1871 cat show in London’s Crystal Palace that i...
Oriental Shorthair original Siamese cats of centuries ago were not always the familiar cream color with points. Many of them were solid colors, and there were...
A word about “points” legs and tail. Siamese kittens are born “pointless”; the points develop as they age. Over the years, several varieties of points have been ...
Siamese If there’s one breed of cat that the average person on the street recognizes, it has to be the Siamese (though Persian owners might not agre...
Orientals, in general These breeds have a distinctive look: a long, slender body, long legs, a long narrow tail, a wedge-shaped face, fairly large ears and (often...
Pixie-bobs Felis catus ) breed with the wild American bobcat (Lynx rufus)? The answer is a definite “maybe,” and fans of the Pixie-bob breed believe th...