Litter box buffet People who have both a cat and a dog in the home find the habit to be an incentive to keep the litter box scooped out as often as possible.
Creatures of habit humans are, and it shouldn’t surprise us that animals are. Certainly cats are, and while they like occasional changes in diet, they definite...
The “no-perfume” zone people complaining that coworkers wear too much perfume and cologne, and some companies have instituted “no-perfume” policies. Your cat is ...
The godsend: baking soda products products no homeowner should be without—and no cat owner. Soda absorbs and neutralizes the chemicals present in cat urine, so you can’t go ...
Acidify that smell! If you think the smell of cat urine is offensive (and it assuredly is), then you know that your cat’s ultra-sensitive nose doesn’t like it e...
The anti-scoopable data digestive system . Every advance has its downside, and probably in the future there will be a “new and improved” litter that poses fewer hea...
The second litter revolution Cat litter, made it easier to own a cat. Around the late 1970s, a new type of litter made it even easier. This was the “scoopable” type, mad...
The litter revolution world forever. Before his product existed, part of cat owners’ daily ritual was putting out the cat for the night. Few owners were willing ...
The anorexic cat people —teenage girls in particular—starve themselves, leading to serious health problems because they fear being overweight and looking una...
Slimming down the chub One obvious solution to slim down a fat cat: feed her less. It’s best to do this gradually instead of dramatically. A sudden “starvation die...
Chubby castrati male opera singers of centuries ago who had been castrated (voluntarily) before puberty so they would retain a sweet soprano voice all thei...
The rib test We have all seen stray cats who looked pitiful with their ribs protruding, and our instinct is to bring them home and fatten them up. In a c...
The pill obsession pet owners impose this obsession onto their animal companions, assuming the pet just can’t get by without some sort of pill or liquid suppl...
Do cats like booze? dog . The truth is that both cats and dogs show a lot more good sense than humans about intoxicating beverages. And besides, could a cat find...
No veggies, thank you The various mammals belonging to the order Carnivora are meat eaters, but most of them will eat fruits, vegetables and other plant matter. (...
Are they really finicky over food? First, Lang’s Law of Feeding Cats: if your cat is really really hungry, she will eat whatever canned or dry food you put in front of her. Th...
Dog food, yes, but not regularly food . Probably one incentive to do this is that dog food is generally cheaper than cat food. While it won’t hurt the cat to eat dog food no...
Smelly and “light” smell and taste both become less acute. Many older adults lose their appetite because they just don’t derive as much pleasure from the tast...
Airtight only good news, but the bad news is that those supplements can literally evaporate into the air. For that reason , unused food ought to be tight...
The old food switcheroo creatures of habit (as are humans), and yet they need variety in their diet, so owners are sometimes in the awkward position of having to c...