English meets native American girl who saved the life of the English settler John Smith, who was about to be executed by the girl’s father, a chief named Powhat...
The high road to China silk , and the Chinese eagerly brought the elegant rodent hunters back home. Among the Chinese of centuries ago, the cat became a symbol of...
Run of the mosque people of Europe began to think of cats as “those things that the wicked Muslims are so fond of.”
Muhammad the cat lover tradition goes back centuries, recalling that dogs in the ancient Middle East were loathsome street scavengers, despised by humans. (You se...
The Celtic rite, revisited fire while they screamed in agony. The ancient ritual persisted for centuries in some parts of Europe and was conducted by two very differe...
Cats and Crusaders between the Muslims and the Christians, resulted in Christians learning about Muslim culture, including becoming aware of the Muslims’ lov...
In faraway Wales We are fortunate to possess copies of laws mandated in the tenth century by Howel the Good, the ruler of Wales. Howel’s law code stated that...
Why did the Celts do it? people , associated cats with fertility, and so a mass sacrifice of cats to the gods of fertility had a certain odd logic to it. We still hav...
In merry olde England island was invaded by the Angles, the Germanic tribe that gradually turned Britannia into Angle-land, or England.
Cats versus ferrets rodents and rabbits by burrowing into their prey’s hiding places. People in the ancient world often used them as rodent exterminators, but ...
Cat in the afterlife It’s always touching to look at the grave of a child, and certainly this is true of a very ancient grave-stone found in France. Dating from ...
The Roman goddess Liberty Americans were not the first people to have a Statue of Liberty. To the ancient Romans, Liberty was worshipped as a goddess. Appropriately, t...
Soldiers and cats? Yes, the Roman armies that marched through and conquered much of Europe and northern Africa carried cats with them and kept them at their fo...
Morphing to cattus Felis The early Romans used felis to refer to the domestic cat, but in time the word cattus replaced it. When did the change occur? We can’t be ce...
Pet name “Kitten” You might recall the adorable daughter nicknamed “Kitten” on the old TV sitcom Father Knows Best. Well, “Kitten” was around as a pet name fo...
From ancient Pompeii to today Some things never change. If you have a birdbath in your yard, you’ve no doubt seen your cat hungrily eye the birds in it and probably try t...
Roman tomcats The ancient Romans have a well-deserved reputation for their lax sexual morals, which is evident in their literature. The dramatist Plautus ...
Etruscan cat decor The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has a bowl dating from the sixth century B.C. that was produced by Etruscans who dwelled in Italy. We can ...
Greeks go Italian The ancient Greeks were a seafaring people, they acquired cats through trading with Egypt. As Greeks traveled, they took their cats with the...
Crossing to Europe How did cats get to Europe? Historians think that the ancient Greeks learned about cats through their trade with Egypt. The Greeks were plea...